SoftPlan 2024 New Features: Notes

Visible Items

Deck Schedule added to Visible Items > Notes options.

Area Schedule

Drawing column added to Area Schedule.

Cabinet Schedule

Cabinet ID column added to Cabinet Schedules.

Trailing zeros are suppressed on Cabinet Schedules.

Character Map

Char Map command added to Note dialog allowing for direct selection of specialty characters within a Font definition.


If the Note dialog is changed in size or moved it will reopen at that size and location the next time that it is opened. 


SPHandSmallCaps font added.


Renumber Keynote IDs command removes keynotes from drawings that have been removed from the project folder.

Multi Format Note

Bold ability added to Multi Format Notes.

Italics added to Multi Format Notes.

Underline ability added to Multi Format Notes.

These format options can be combined, they can also be applied to individual words and characters within a Multi Format Note.

Opening Schedule

Glazing Area for specialty windows that contain a deflection are properly calculated.

Hardware Column added to Opening Schedules.


Double pointer command added, places a pointer off of each end of a Note.

If Auto Scale Notes is selected on a Plan Set the first segment of a Segmented Pointer remains horizontal. 

Registered Trade Mark

SPHAND font contains the ® Registered Trade Mark character.

Revision Notes

Annotated Elevations and Sections can be included as source drawings for Revision Note Schedules. 

Room Finish Schedule

Current Drawing vs Drawings in Model option added to Room Finish Schedule.


Rooms Names and Room Sizes automatically added to Annotated Presentation Views.


Save as Default option added to Edit Schedule dialog.