SoftPlan 3D

“We wanted to make more professional, more realistic presentations, so we began investigating the wide variety of CAD software programs for remodelers and builders.
We chose SoftPlan because it looked like a system that we could integrate into our daily activities without months of training.
We were right; within days, we were able to print floor plans and elevations of room additions.”

Gregory Geisler — R.A. Kalfas Home Improvement, Inc.

3D Renderings Are a Must

Gone are the days when 3D models were an optional luxury. Whether it's low-resolution, early-stage sketches or high-quality, full 3D walkthroughs, today's consumers rightfully expect 3D imagery of their project.

In SoftPlan, it's simple enough to generate these required images that it can be done by the designer, reducing or eliminating the need to contract outside services to create 3D renderings.

Renderings Tools Include:

  • advanced shadows
  • reflections
  • indirect lighting
  • photorealistic graphics
  • path tracing
  • ray tracing

3D Rendering Is Just the Beginning

High-quality rendering is just the beginning of what can be accomplished in SoftPlan:

  • immersive interiors and exteriors
  • artistic rendering styles such as sketched, watercolor, clay model, and more
  • sun studies
  • publishing to SoftPlan web3d allows 3D navigation of the model on phones and tablets
  • export directly to Lumion®
  • export directly to SketchUp®

Lumion Export

When just a little more is required of your 3D imagery, the ability to export directly to Lumion allows SoftPlan+ subscribers to seamlessly leverage Lumion's rendering capabilities.

360-degree Photos

Easily generate interior renderings where clients can virtually stand in a room and look around in 360 degrees.

click the image for an immersive 360-degree view of the room

SoftPlan+ web3d

SoftPlan's web3d feature allows you to publish 3D models directly to the web to be viewed by anyone you wish.

Once published, SoftPlan creates a link to your web3d page which we host on our site. Anyone you share this link with can view and explore your project without needing to download and install any additional software.

SoftPlan web3d models can be viewed and navigated on PC, phone, or tablet.

explore any SoftPlan 3D model from any web-enabled device

click the image to give it a try

see the complete library of user-created web3d models

SoftPlan 3D Walkthrough Animations

Create custom walkthrough animations by capturing camera movements you make in the 3D model or in one of SoftPlan’s various 3D views.

These walkthroughs are easy to create, easy to modify, and easy to distribute.

Create compelling videos for your clients or prospective clients.

SoftPlan automatically adjusts the camera views to walk up and down stairs.

Each recorded movement becomes a frame on the timeline, building an animation that can be played back and saved. Add, remove, or modify frames using the timeline’s editing tools and output settings to create detailed walkthrough presentations.

Add a title and description to an animation video and then upload it directly to YouTube to share with your colleagues and clients.

This is a sample chapter from the SoftPlan 3D training content that show how it works.