How is a garage door cutout handled in the foundation plan?
Edit the existing garage door which was carried over when you copied your main floor to create the foundation plan, and change the opening type from Garage to Cross. Edit the height to be equal to the offset of the garage door; the offset will be the height of the wall minus the height of the cross. The width will be increased to accommodate your framing widths.
How do I move the opening frame closer to the outside of the wall?
How is a garage door cutout handled in the foundation plan?
Edit the existing garage door which was carried over when you copied your main floor to create the foundation plan, and change the opening type from Garage to Cross. Edit the height to be equal to the offset of the garage door; the offset will be the height of the wall minus the height of the cross. The width will be increased to accommodate your framing widths.
How do I draw a cased opening?
A cased opening can be created by drawing an Arch opening (Draw > Opening > Arch) of the desired shape. Then the opening can be edited (Edit> Edit Item). Select the Trim tab and place a check beside Interior Trim.
How do I place a transom over a door?
Edit the door and select the ‘Add Transom’ button the Plan tab of the Opening menu. Enter the desired height of the transom to be placed above the door.
How do I get one panel of a double door fixed?
Use Edit Item to edit the double door in floor plan. Select the Display tab. You can specify the fixed panel under Hinge side. The operative will be “N” to indicate fixed. The Hinge side is read as if viewing the opening from the exterior. Use ‘L’ to indicate Left and ‘R’ to indicate Right hinge sides.
How do I make the Opening Frame the full width of the wall?
To make the Opening Frame the full thickness of the wall, select File > System / Drawing Options > Material Dimensions > Opening Options. Change the value for Frame Width to 0”. The Opening Frame will then extend through the wall without needing to change the Opening Offset. Opening offset will have no effect.
Why do I not have the product code for the door when I draw it with a right-hand swing?
When a door is drawn as a prehung unit the swing is already predetermined and set up in the product code. All of the standard doors that come with Softplan are created with a left-hand swing. In order for the product code to be valid, the door that is drawn must match the swing that was defined for the door, otherwise the product code will automatically be unchecked from the door and the product code text cannot be displayed on the plan. There is an option within the System library to uncheck the Prehung option for the door so that any swing can be drawn for the door and still retain the product code.
Go to File> System Library > Library Type: Openings. Select the Door Library and highlight a unit and select the Edit button. In the Configure Opening menu, select the Edit Individual Component button. In the Component tab, uncheck “Prehung”. Click OK and save changes to the system. Once that door is drawn on the plan it can be drawn in any orientation and still retain the product code.
What does the warning “The top of the header is set above the underside of the top plate” mean and how do I correct it?
The message is a warning, which means that there is insufficient room for the specified size of the header above this opening. To correct this you will need to change one or more of the following settings to allow more room between the top of the opening and the underside of the top plate:
1. Specify a smaller header size in the Header tab when editing the opening.
2. Change the height of the wall the opening sits on.
3. Specify a smaller opening height.
4. Change the vertical position of the opening in the wall by modifying the Offset value.
5. Change the vertical position of the opening in the wall by modifying the Top of Opening value.
How do I create a trapezoid window to follow the pitch of the roof?
A unique trapezoid opening is provided in Version 13 that will automatically follow the roof pitch of a roof placed above. It has been created by linking it to the Auto Slope Top Elevation Opening, which has a trapezoid shape. It is available under Draw > Detail > Opening Shapes > Auto Slope Top. The Opening can be drawn from Draw> Opening > Window > Specialty > Trapezoid. Once placed on the wall and the roof pitch is set above, it will follow the same angle and will be displayed in Elevations and 3D views.
How do I draw two separate windows stacked one above the other with a gap between them?
Draw the two openings beside each other on the wall. If the wall is not long enough, you may have to use the Adjust command to extend the length temporarily so you can fit the windows in the wall. Edit the opening that will be on top and increase its offset to set it above the opening that will be on the bottom. Use the move command to place it over the other opening. Use Profile mode to make sure the openings are in the correct location.
Some of my doors appear with different IDs even though I do not have Unique door IDs on. Why?
This will only affect exterior doors that swing to the exterior side of a wall. All the pre-defined exterior doors in SoftPlan are Pre-hung doors, defined to swing inside the house. Setting them otherwise would uncheck the product code and change the ID letter. If an exterior door is defined to swing to the exterior it would generate the same ID letter when swinging in that direction.
How do I draw a Foundation Vent?
To place a Vent in a foundation wall go to Draw > Opening > Select the Vent Library > Then select the required Vent for your design.
How are multiple windows placed into a single framed hole in the wall?